Did you know that around 70% of cancer deaths are caused due to failure in early detection? Moreover, 50% of cancers reach an advanced stage when diagnosed. Patients diagnosed earlier with cancers are not only more likely to survive but experience better treatment, care, and quality of life.
To promote early cancer diagnosis, advanced, faster, and better diagnostic strategies are being developed, and one of them is the Galleri cancer test. The Galleri test is one of the simplest cancer detection tests that can detect over 50 types of cancers from a simple blood test.
CLICK HERE to read Dr. Gavin’s blog post on this early cancer diagnostic test. It will discuss everything related to the Galleri test, including how the test works, how Galleri test results are interpreted, their cost, accuracy, how to order the test, and more.

The Galleri test is a multi-cancer early detection test that diagnosis over 50 cancer types from a single blood draw. It is commonly recommended in adults 50+ years of age or in people who are at an increased risk of developing cancer. The Galleri test is done by a healthcare American Biotech Company, Grail.
“Patients are very excited about the convenience and peace of mind the Galleri test can provide” says Dr. Monica Gavin owner of Azani Medical Spa in Bethlehem PA. “It’s also critical to find cancer at the earliest possible stage to have the best chance of curing it.”
Regular screening is recommended for just five types of cancer — breast, cervical, colorectal, lung and prostate. For other types, screening isn’t routine, meaning they’re often detected in later stages after symptoms have emerged and the disease has metastasized.
At the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2022, GRAIL announced the results of a study evaluating the Galleri test among more than 6,000 individuals age 50 or older. Corroborating a previously identified 1.1% cancer detection rate, 35 participants were diagnosed with 36 cancers. Among the confirmed cancers, 71% of participants had cancer types that have no routine cancer screening available and nearly half of the non-recurrent cancers were found in beginning stages.
“My mother and I had the test done, and we are so glad we did. Both our tests were negative and it gave us great peace of mind”, says Dr. Monica Gavin.
If you want early cancer detection for 50 cancers, then get your test done today. Call Dr. Gavin at Azani Medical Spa at 610-625-3000, or text us at 610-625-3002 or email us at info@AzaniMedicalSpa.com or visit our website www.AzaniMedicalSpa.com