Omega Care Natural Fatty Acid Supplement
Unique mix of omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids plus CLA.
This mixed fatty acid supplement supplies important omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that are often difficult to obtain from the diet by combining four nutritional oils in one formula. OmegaThera™ was formulated to favor omega-3 fatty acids over omega-6 fatty acids to help maintain a healthy fatty acid ratio when added to typical diets that tend to be too low in omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids are present as alpha-linolenic acid, an essential dietary fatty acid, as well as EPA and DHA, activated forms of omega-3 known for their ability to support a variety of physiological processes, including regulation of inflammation, immune function, lipoprotein metabolism, and brain function. Omega-6 fatty acids are also supplied in several important forms, including linoleic acid (LA), an essential dietary fatty acid, and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), the activated form of omega-6 whose conversion from LA may be compromised by poor diet and other factors. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a variant of linoleic acid, favorably influences fat metabolism and offers unique cell protective benefits. Oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid, is also present as a natural constituent of flax seed oil. OmegaThera™ combines concentrated amounts of key nutritional fatty acids derived from premium plant seeds and ultra-pure fish oil in one convenient product. Natural carob coloring and vitamin E added to the softgel maintain freshness by protecting against fatty acid oxidation.
Suggested Use: 1 to 4 softgels daily with food.
OMG 100 softgels
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, water, carob extract, and carob powder.
**Amounts reported as weight of the fatty acid compound.
***Amounts reported as free fatty acid (FFA) equivalents by weight in accordance with voluntary CRN Monograph.
†† Flax Seed Oil Certified Organic by ECOSERT SA.